A marca foi inspirada no pente africano, que se tornou popular durante os anos 1960 e 1970, quando ocorreram os movimentos Direitos Civis dos Negros ou o movimento Black Power. Ele expressa o conceito ‘Black is Beautiful’ e tornou-se um símbolo de luta. Afronte busca atacar de frente o racismo, o medo, a sexualização, para convidar e ajudar mulheres negras a se amarem e a serem como bem querem.
Laila Santanna (@lailasantanna)
Agnes Magalhães (@pratanes)
Estela Castro (@kstr.o)
Inara Régia (@inararegia)
The logo was inspired by the African comb, which became popular during the 1960s and 1970s, when occurred the Black Power Moviment, for black people's rights. The comb expresses that black is beautiful and is a symbol of constant fight. Afronte seeks to be in the front line against racism, fear and sex abuse and is an invitation for black women to love themselves and be whoever they want to be.